Monday, December 16, 2013

The Beginning…Again

It's time to start blogging again.  The decision has been made.  It's final.  Unless, of course, I decide not to.  Like an ornery teenage girl, I tend to change my mind a lot.
I will try to make my posts brief.  Why?  Because there's nothing worse than a long-winded diatribe about politics, or religion, or how to bake perfect cookies, or where I went to buy a new pair of shoes.  That's what Facebook is for.  If you have to scroll down a War & Peace length blog post, then there's something wrong.  I think it's perfectly acceptable to be entertaining, intelligent, profound, humorous, and interesting in several short paragraphs.
But again, being like that ornery teenage girl, I might just say "fuck it" one day and write as much as I damn well please.
The problem I've had with blogging in the past has been a theme.  Apparently a theme is like the brick-and-mortar of blogging.  I get it, I really do.  As humans we crave structure.  We want things to be simple and easy.  I think this is important, but I don't think it's always necessary.  Sometimes it's just as crucial to step outside the box (or, in some cases, jump).  For example, Beyonce just released a new album out of nowhere.  No promotion, no advertising, no pre-release single.  Talk about shaking things up.  Well played, Beyonce, well played.
So here I am, no theme.  I'm themeless.  Without theme.  And, if you say theme over and over again, it starts to sound totally ridiculous.  Like a speech impediment.  And now you're trying it, and you're ticked off because I manipulated you into it.  But it was all in good fun.
That's what I'll go with for now: all in good fun.  Does that mean I have a theme now?
Oh, and here's a kitten.

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